Mechion Manus Pipetting Robot
Manus Pipetting Robot
The helping hand in the lab
Get rid of repetitive manual pipetting tasks
Cost effective solution for you
Space saving design
Manus is designed for you.
- Save Time: Manus is your tEasrue helping hand in the laboratory. Saves you from repetitive tasks.
- Save Space: Manus is designed to occupy as little space as possible.
- Compact Modular Design
- 3 to 6 positions
- 2 axis control
- 8 channel pipetting
- Optional outer case
- Air displacement technology
- 8 channel 1-50 ul
8 channel 20-300 ul
8 channel 40-1000 ul - Easy-to-use interface
- Aluminum and iron design
The Mechion Manus is a low-cost, flexible, and user-friendly pipetting robot, available in 3 to 6-position options. The Manus pipetting robot can be programmed to perform any task expected of a hand-held pipettor.
Mechion Dextra Liquid Handling System
The New employee of the lab
A complete solution for lab automation
Increased walk-away time.
Dextra is the ultimate solution for lab automation
- Save Time: Manus is your treasure helping hand in the laboratory. Saves you from repetitive tasks.
- Compact Modular Design
- 6 to 15 positions
- 3 axis control
- 1 and 8-channel pipetting
- Transparent Outer chase
- Air displacement technology
- 8 channel 1-50 ul
8 channel 20-300 ul
8 channel 40-1000 ul - 1 channel 1-50 ul
1 channel 20-300 ul
1 channel 40-1000 ul - Easy-to-use interface
- Aluminum and iron design
The Mechion Dextra is an affordable, flexible, and user-friendly pipetting robot. The Dextra pipetting robot can be programmed to perform any task expected of a hand-held pipettor.
Mechion Pipetleme Robotu
Mechion Pipetleme Robotu
Laboratuvar çalışmaları, bilim ve endüstri dünyasında vazgeçilmez bir rol oynamaktadır. Ancak, bu laboratuvar çalışmalarını daha hızlı, hassas ve verimli hale getirmek için teknolojiye dayalı çözümlere olan ihtiyaç her zamankinden daha fazla artmıştır. İşte bu noktada, Mechion pipetleme robotları laboratuvarlar için devrim niteliğinde bir çözüm sunmaktadır. Bu makalede, Mechion pipetleme robotlarının laboratuvarlarda oynadığı önemli rolü ve laboratuvar süreçlerindeki dijital dönüşümünü ele alacağız.
Mechion Pipetleme Robotları Nedir?
Mechion pipetleme robotları(automated liquid handling system), sıvı transferi işlemlerini otomatize eden yüksek hassasiyetli robotik sistemlerdir. Bu robotlar, sıvıları doğru miktarlarda ve hassas bir şekilde pipetlemek için tasarlanmıştır. Özellikle titrasyon, örnekleme, mikrodizilasyon ve moleküler biyoloji çalışmaları gibi laboratuvar işlemlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılırlar. Mechion robotları, bilgisayar arayüzü üzerinden programlanabilir ve bu sayede tekrarlanabilirlik sağlar, insan hatalarını minimize eder ve zaman kazandırır.
Mechion Pipetleme Robotlarının Laboratuvarlardaki Rolü
- Hassasiyet ve Doğruluk: Mechion pipetleme robotları, sıvıların hassas bir şekilde transfer edilmesini sağlar. Bu, laboratuvar sonuçlarının güvenilirliğini artırır.
- Yüksek Verimlilik: Mechion robotları, birçok deneyi aynı anda yürütebilme yeteneği sayesinde laboratuvarların verimliliğini artırır. Araştırmacılar, daha fazla veri elde etme ve sonuçları hızla analiz etme olanağına sahip olurlar.
- İnsan Hatalarını Azaltma: Elle yapılan pipetleme işlemleri sırasında insan hataları kaçınılmazdır. Mechion robotları, bu hataları minimum düzeye indirir ve sonuçların güvenilirliğini artırır.
- Zaman Tasarrufu: Otomatize edilmiş sıvı transfer işlemleri, araştırmacılara daha fazla zaman kazandırır. Bu, daha fazla deney yapma ve verileri hızla analiz etme olanağı sağlar.
Dijital Dönüşüm ve Mechion Pipetleme Robotları
Mechion pipetleme robotları, laboratuvarların dijital dönüşümünün önemli bir parçasıdır. Bu robotlar, verilerin dijitalleştirilmesine ve analizine olanak tanır. Ayrıca, bu robotlar bulut tabanlı sistemlerle entegre edilebilir, bu da verilere her yerden erişim sağlar.
Sonuç olarak, Mechion pipetleme robotları laboratuvarlarda çalışma şeklini kökten değiştirmekte ve laboratuvar süreçlerini daha verimli hale getirmektedir. Laboratuvarlar, bu teknolojik yenilikleri benimseyerek daha hızlı sonuçlar elde edebilirler. Mechion pipetleme robotları, laboratuvarların dijital dönüşümünü hızlandırmada önemli bir rol oynamaktadır ve laboratuvar çalışmalarının geleceğinde büyük bir etki yaratmaya devam edecektir.
Mechion Pipetting Robots
Mechion Pipetting Robot
Laboratory research plays a pivotal role in scientific and industrial advancements, and precision in experimentation is a cornerstone of success. The Mechion Pipetting Robot is a revolutionary tool that automates liquid handling processes, greatly boosting laboratory efficiency. Robots are for a high throughput sample preparation process. Here, We’ll explore Mechion Pipetting Robots, looking at what they do, where to use them, and how to change laboratory research.
What is the Mechion Pipetting Robot?
The Mechion Pipetting Robot is a state-of-the-art robotic system. We engineered the design to automate liquid handling tasks in laboratory settings of liquid handling systems. Everyone wants to use this highly precise robot in various lab automation tasks like titration, sample prep, dilution, and molecular biology. Mechion robots are user-friendly and reduce errors, saving researchers time and resources.
Electronic pipettes are a step to robotic automation systems in laboratory workflow. This reduces the labor cost. Mechion has a broad range of pipetting and sample preparation equipment.
The Essential Role of Mechion Pipetting Robots in Laboratory Research
- Unparalleled Precision: Mechion Pipetting Robots are renowned for their capability to handle liquid transfers with extraordinary precision. This precision is vital for reliable lab results, critical in science, diagnostics, and quality control.
- Enhanced Efficiency: What sets Mechion robots apart is their ability to perform multiple experiments simultaneously, thus dramatically improving laboratory efficiency. Researchers can gather more data and analyze results at an increased pace, ultimately speeding up the pace of scientific discovery. It covers PCR setup, Elisa even NGS libraries.
- Error Mitigation: Manual liquid handling processes are susceptible to human errors, which can impact the credibility of research outcomes. Mechion robots mitigate these errors, offering consistent and dependable results with their pipetting method. To prevent cross-contamination, liquid handling platforms are essential.
- Time Optimization: Automation of liquid handling tasks with Mechion robots leads to considerable time savings. Researchers can allocate their time to interpreting data, devising new experiments, and driving innovation rather than repetitive manual tasks. An Automated liquid handler is always a good solution for research with diagnostic procedures.
The Role of Mechion Pipetting Robots in Laboratory Digital Transformation
Mechion liquid handling robots are an integral part of the ongoing digital transformation of laboratories. They enable the automated and efficient storage of experimental data. Furthermore, these robots can smoothly connect with cloud systems, giving researchers remote data access, improving teamwork, and enabling instant decision-making.
In Conclusion
Mechion Pipetting Robots have transformed laboratory research, boosting precision and efficiency, and speeding up scientific progress. By embracing these liquid handling solutions, Labs can gain significant advantages, like quicker research progress and more dependable data results. The Mechion Pipetting Robot is certainly a driving force for the future of lab research.
Just keep in mind, that liquid-handling robots are for research use only. No use for clinic purposes.
Pipetting technology is able to perform various applications such as next-generation sequencing libraries. Robotic liquid handling systems always reduce the risk of Laboratory workflow. Mechion is planning to release a wide range of sample preparation tools. Such as magnetic bead separators; heating and cooling equipment; and shakers.
Mechion Manus Robotic Pipettor
All scientists, regardless of their resources or role, want to spend valuable time designing experiments, hypothesis testing, data interpretation, and innovation. However, many of them have to spend a lot of time on boring, time-consuming tasks such as manual pipetting and sample preparation. When they want to automate laboratory processes, it is often impossible to access imported automation systems and robotic products due to astronomical costs. Manus was born to change that.
Manus is a benchtop liquid handling robot designed to be affordable and flexible enough to automate many common applications. With performance equivalent to robots at 10 times the cost, Manus is the best choice for automating any life science laboratory work.
The superiority of robotic pipetting systems over manual pipettes in terms of efficiency, time-saving, precision, repeatability, and personnel costs has been proven in many studies in the literature.
We recommend Manus instead of filling your laboratories with many manual pipettes.
The most important advantage of Manus being a newly developed platform is that we allow our valued customers to intervene at every stage, including the smallest details, from its software to its robotic structure. Let’s produce exactly the robot your laboratory needs.
Working on 2 axes
Pipetting 8 channels
3 different interchangeable pipetting heads
Create a workflow easily
Powerful and fast sample management
Avoid repetitive and tedious manual pipetting.
Integrated pipette tip change with fully automatic pipetting with 8-channel format
Save valuable lab space
It takes up minimum space in the laboratory and provides maximum performance.
Save costs with reliability, durability, and precision
It delivers high-throughput pipetting with the highest precision and accuracy experience.
Save your valuable time
Reproducible pipetting performance without contamination
Save money with low entry-level costs and expand your system later
Start with an entry-level configuration and easily upgrade to meet future needs. Take the opportunity to benefit from the accessories that Mechion will offer you very soon.
Functions list:
Aspirate: It serves to transfer liquid from a specified location to the pipette tip.
Dispense: Enables the transfer of the liquid at the pipette tip to the specified location.
Serial Dilution: Performs serial dilution on the specified microplate.
Mix: Mix the sample at the specified location.
Get Tips, Eject Tips: Allows loading and disposing of pipette tips into pipetting heads.
Relay On, Relay Off: Performs on and off operations for the 3rd party device.
Timer: Timer.
As the backbone of liquid handling and automation, Manussoft software ensures reliable operation. It enables efficient management of your laboratory workflow thanks to its command diversity and ease of use. Thanks to detailed parameterizations when starting an application, you have full control over the process.
■ Powerful scripting environment
■ Detailed parameterization for each command
■ Ready-to-use graphical user interface
■ Configurable design
■ Desktop application
Wide pipetting volume range
The Manus pipetting robot provides the best liquid handling performance and maximum flexibility using single and multi-channel electronic pipettes. Pipetting heads are optimized for use with the robot; provide greater flexibility in the type of liquid handling experiments that can be conducted, providing superior assay reproducibility, pipetting speed, and a wide distribution volume range from 1 µL to 1 mL. In addition, Mechion is willing to produce pipetting heads with working ranges specific to the needs of your laboratory.
Compact use
The liquid processing robot attracts attention with its extremely low projection design. It has 3 to 6 Ansi-SLAS positions on a single row. It takes up little space to fit even the smallest fume hood.
Manus is a precision liquid handling system that automates a variety of genomic, proteomic, and drug discovery analyses at a fraction of the cost of imported robotic systems. Mechion operates right next to you at Entertech Teknokent and offers you the service that you can get from our competitors in a very long time, very quickly, and at an affordable price.
Only ANSI/SLAS standard laboratory supplies may be used on Manus. So you can stick to commonly used laboratory supplies with standardized dimensions while benefiting from the improved performance and efficiency of automation.
Manussoft can be adapted to various biology laboratory workflows. You can easily create the robot’s workflow cycle and parameterize every detail without needing any programming knowledge.
Mechion is the mechanical and software work required to produce Manus.
It has completed the production of the robot and can complete the production of the robot within an average of 4-5 weeks if you place an order. Since Manus is our first production in this field, it offers 1 year of software support to our customers free of charge. In addition, the sample preparation devices that will be released by Mechion soon will be compatible with Manus and will be available to you.
Planned compatible sample preparation devices:
Thermal module: Used to control the temperatures of the samples between +4 and +96 °C.
Shaker: It provides homogenization of samples by operating between 100 and 2000 rpm.
Magnetic Module: It is used to separate magnetic particles.